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Michael (Mike) S. Parsons

5999 Custer Road, Suite 110-175, Frisco, TX – 75035.
Everyday 9:00am - 6:00pm

Mike is a seasoned professional with over 16 years of experience as a registered patent agent and attorney. His practice includes domestic and foreign patent preparation and prosecution, post-grant proceedings (IPRs and PGRs) at the PTAB, and related Federal Circuit appeals.

Mike has extensive experience in domestic and foreign patent acquisition personally drafting over 60 patent applications and prosecuting many more for companies like Salesforce, Google, NetApp, and several startup companies. Technologies that Mike has covered include wireless and wired telecommunications, artificial intelligence, cloud storage, geolocation-based mapping features, and various other mobile-device-related matters. Prior to leaving “big law,” Mike was the team lead overseeing a cutting-edge artificial intelligence patent portfolio and supervised a team of 6 attorneys and agents in all aspects of patent application drafting and domestic and foreign prosecution.

Mike also has extensive experience representing petitioners such as Apple, Google, and Cisco in successfully invalidating over 50 patents in IPR proceedings at the PTAB and related appeals at the Federal Circuit and was recognized by Patexia in 2022 as one of the top 100 most effective petitioner attorneys in the last five years with a 75% success rate. Technologies that Mike has litigated in these proceeding include miniature lens design, 2k and 4k video compression, body sensors and data analysis algorithms, wireless standards, secure financial payment systems, layer 2 and layer 3 networking devices and standards, and various mobile-device-related features.

Mike’s experience in both patent acquisition and invalidation proceedings gives him a unique perspective on drafting defensible patents while avoiding issues commonly attacked in litigation like claim construction, patent eligibility under § 101, indefiniteness under § 112.

Prior to law school, Mike was a software engineer developing mathematics software for mobile devices and other platforms. During law school Mike served as Managing Editor for the Pierce Law Review and interned for Chief Judge Steven J. McAuliffe at the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire.

In his personal time, Mike enjoys keeping abreast of developing technology, raising his two teenage girls, and volunteering with the Allen High School Marching Band (the biggest in the country) where his oldest is a very loud and proud sousaphone.


Juris Doctor, 2008

University of New Hampshire, cum laude
B.S. Comp. Sci., 2001
Pacific University Arizona State University





New York

District of Columbia


Federal Circuit